Product Properties

THERMOSHIELD NR is a pH-neutral instrument cleaner for cleaning and disinfection of medical instruments and medical devices in automated washing machines. Due to its enzyme-free formulation THERMOSHIELD NR is also suitable for chemo-thermal disinfection and cleaning and can be used in all types of washing machines. THERMOSHIELD NR has been tested intensively and for a long period in hospitals and medical practises. Due to its excellent cleaning results THERMOSHIELD NR is recommended for all automatic washing machines. A great advantage of THERMOSHIELD NR is the neutral pH-value. The neutral pH-value ensures careful and gentle cleaning. Moreover, additional rinsing for neutralisation is not necessary in contrast to all alkaline cleaners. The saving of the neutraliser, the very low use concentration and the fact that the product is biologically degradable (acc. to OECD-guideline 301D) highlight an ecologically convincing product concept. Due to its pH-neutral and virtually non-foaming formulation THERMOSHIELD NR is an ideal pre-cleaner for THERMOSHIELD DESINFEKTANT for the automated reprocessing of flexible endoscopes at 55 – 60 °C.

Manufacturing Company: Dr. Schumacher
